Главная : Хобби и увлечения : 6 Minute English :

6min: Shopaholics 15 Oct 09

Many people find it difficult to curb their spending and find themselves buying more than they need on a regular basis. In today's programme, Kate and Rebecca try to understand why we spend money, our emotional response to it and the first step in how to control it.

СКАЧАТЬ ВЫПУСК   06:17, 2.9 Мб
добавлен 15.10.09 14:00

Привет депрессия
Radio Grinch Выпуск 81
СКАЧАТЬ ВЫПУСК   41:21, 28.4 Мб
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Radio Grinch Выпуск 80
СКАЧАТЬ ВЫПУСК   57:59, 39.8 Мб
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о том, как я оформлял налоги в США
Radio Grinch Radio Grinch Podcast №079
СКАЧАТЬ ВЫПУСК   32:10, 22.1 Мб
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